Letter from our CEO, 2020

3 Mins

I joined Sentinel in 1999 because I thought surrounding myself with genuine and talented peo...

I joined Sentinel in 1999 because I thought surrounding myself with genuine and talented people would be an opportunity to grow and it would be an enjoyable place to spend a few years.

I was right.

Twenty years later, I’m still enjoying it and the business is still growing. As I write this, my first letter on our new website bearing our new branding, I’m mindful of how far-reaching our plans are for 2020, and the scale of the investment we’ve scheduled.  This platform will allow us to better connect with and serve our customers, it will provide real-time opportunities to job-seekers and act as a knowledgebase thanks to the experts we partner with. 

In the time Sentinel has been recruiting, the world around us has changed drastically, particularly in recruitment practice and the technology sector. To adapt, we have expanded our international presence, with our offices in Europe providing the perfect launchpad to supply talent further afield. This has extended our candidate networks and given us the capability to create local solutions for our international customers and improved our access to talent for clients around the world.

Looking back, at the past few years – a period of profound change– it’s remarkable to see how much we have achieved. Not only in terms of placements made, or fee income (which has increased by 40%), but in the way we have embraced this change. We have delivered so much value to our customers and, by extension, to their customers, through partnering with talent acquisition teams, recruitment outsourcers, statement-of-work providers and, of course, talented candidates.

Taking time this year to reflect on who we are as a business, what we stand for and what we care about, has been hugely rewarding. For twenty years we have focussed on delivering value for our customers and have succeeded by a simple approach that addresses what the people at the heart of this industry value most.  Things like listening, empathising, and actively developing our technology and industry expertise. We are a tight-knit business, with many of our team boasting long tenures, and have a clarity of purpose defined by our mission statement:

To create positive change through talent, technology and opportunity.

Technology is changing the world around us, and we have never been more connected, more agile, or more reliant on talent to help our businesses succeed. Whether teams or individuals; driven, creative and talented people are making the impossible, possible. And we get to work with them every day.

Our commitment to putting people first, is one that starts here at home.  We have built on the experience of twenty years and our clients’ innovations and have created a more flexible working environment for our teams. Having won the Recruiter Investing In Talent Award for the Most Effective Agile and Flexible Working Strategy in 2018, we have enshrined flexibility in our policies and in our culture. We offer flexible working across our offices and focus on managing outcomes rather than time invested.

Looking to the future, we will continue to invest in our leaders through professional development, empowerment, and decentralising our management approach so that our teams have the freedom and agility to innovate and deliver a truly exceptional service to all our customers.

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