The definitive guide to IR35

3 Mins

What is IR35? What is changing on April 6th? What do I need to know and what do I need to do...

What is IR35? What is changing on April 6th? What do I need to know and what do I need to do?

We have been holding IR35 consultations with clients since 2019. Whether we're meeting with a group of IT line manager's or the full HR team there are some fundamentals that everyone always wants to know. We've taken those conversations and used them to inform our definitive guide. 

IR35 would have dominated our news cycles for the past year were it not for a certain ‘exit’ and a certain ‘virus’ that have understandably overshadowed the legislation somewhat. Yet, for those of us in the private sector little else has captured our attention so much as IR35. Many of us have been glued to updates on the subject from the new Prime Minister, or the even newer Chancellor. Still, April 6th draws ever nearer, and while hopes of the Government doing an about-turn persist, they are dwindling.

Preparation then is the task at hand. What are you doing to prepare for the upcoming changes to off payroll working regulations? In an ideal world your organisation will have already set their IR35 strategy and provided some direction on the part you’ll play. In reality, IR35 is a challenging piece of legislation. The burden of ‘reasonable care’ by which all determinations will be judged, means that if you want to retain access to flexible talent resource, you need to ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of the changes and ensure determinations are made on a case by case basis.

We have put together a Definitive Guide to IR35 to put all the information you need in one place. Sentinel’s guide to IR35 includes a comprehensive overview of the factors that should feed into your status determinations and how to manage the disagreement process. The guide is complete with a glossary of key IR35 terms, a break down of liability in your supply chain and our evaluation of the best status determination tools on the market. 

We are also offering in person or phone IR35 consultations to cement your knowledge, help you to overcome common pitfalls, and advise you on the best way to mitigate your risk moving forward. Book here.